
Established in 2019, Smoot’s Flavor Farm is a small part of a larger family farm on the Palouse. Rooted at the base of Smoot Hill–about 10 miles north of Pullman, Washington–this woman-owned and operated business produces naturally grown flavor for direct and wholesale markets and the local community.
We specialize in culinary and tea herbs, but also grow a variety of flavorful produce, like garlic and rhubarb. In 2021 we completed the construction of our certified processing facility, which enables us to preserve the herbs we grow on-site. In addition to fresh herbs and produce, we are proud to offer premium quality dried herbs, blended seasonings, teas, flavored salts and more.
Our shelf-stable products are all made with our naturally grown herbs that we preserve at the peak of flavor.
Founded on flavor, we believe in the power of a good meal. Good food and beverage can bring people together, inspire creativity, foster healthy habits, and nourish the soul. We are dedicated to growing and preserving the highest quality herbs for our customers so they can experience all the merits of our work.
All of our herbs are grown naturally without the use of synthetic inputs. Every decision we make is based on our farm's ecology, that which is below ground, above ground and all around us.
We believe our focus on ecology feeds back into the fundamental quality and flavor of our products. But ultimately, we hope it contributes to the value our customers experience.
Although Smoot’s Flavor Farm is not yet certified Organic (it takes time), we practice organic methods and only use organic inputs. We hope to achieve certification in the near future.
In the meantime, we tend to the ecology that supports our farm by practicing no-till production, tending insect habitat, staying conscientious of our resource consumption, and being an active member of our community.
We practice no-till production–-no plows, no chisels, no roto-tillers-–just compost. Soil structure is fundamental to soil health and tillage breaks up that structural habitat for microorganisms. This management practice helps improve the water holding capacity of our soils, reducing erosion as well as the need for supplemental irrigation. It also gives shelter to beneficial microbial communities, including extensive fungal mycorrhizae networks.
We plant pollinator and beneficial insect habitat in supplement to the habitat herbs naturally provide. Insect pests are out there, especially in a highly managed farming environment. But insects are the largest and most diverse group of organisms on Earth, which means they’re not all pests. We monitor our insect populations and are cataloging the species we see on our farm. And by planting habitat for beneficial insects, we can help mitigate some of the issues that pesky pests can cause.
We are conscious of our resource consumption. Farming takes resources–-water, fertilizers, seeds, care. We strive to minimize our resource consumption without sacrificing quality. While herbs are naturally minimal consumers of water and fertilizers, we take care to buy our inputs with minimal amounts of waste, especially when it comes to packaging and shipping.
Ecology includes humans too. We are conscientious of the human ecology of which our farm is a part. Our community keeps our business operating, so we try to pay it forward. Whenever possible we buy our inputs locally. We participate in research and educational projects. And we partner with the Community Action Center in various programs that ensure local food reaches all members of our community.

Lindsay Myron
Lindsay was raised in Pullman, Washington, where she grew up with a love of the outdoors. After some time away to attend Cornell University and work abroad, she settled back on the Palouse to be close to her family, community, and the region she calls home.
Passionate about environmental stewardship, she started Smoot’s Flavor Farm with a mission to grow the highest quality produce, diversify agriculture on the Palouse, and share with the community the power of a good meal. She finds great joy in fostering flora, fauna, and family on this little piece of the prairie.